I recently finished writing another crime novel which has turned into a police procedural so there is a lot more work to be done on that. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I can get some help from my local police.
In the meantime I am reading through the manuscript of another of my books so that I can prepare it for electronic publishing on AMAZON. This is also a crime novel but with a large dose of nostalgia as it is set in 1958 - a time I remember well as I was still in my teens.
As if that isn't enough, I have begun writing another book. This is especially for 'Cleo' fans as it features the colourful heroine of "Homicide in Hampshire".
Do remember that you can also download these books onto your computer, I-Pad (Apple), Kobo (W.H.Smith), Nook (Barnes & Noble), Sony e-Book or Diesel eBook, via Smashwords.
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