Tuesday, 26 February 2019

My Travel Articles

Just discovered that someone else is now using a similar 'name' for travel articles. Please note that my travel articles appear on:


Hope you enjoy them! 

Tuesday, 12 February 2019

Jurong Bird Park, Singapore.

Just posted a blog/photos of the Jurong Bird Park on www.auntiestravels.blogspot.com

For some strange reason Blogger doesn't want to advertise the fact!

Sunday, 3 February 2019

Birds I Encountered in Florida

Anyone who has visited Florida and been to the beaches knows the seagulls (noisy!) and has watched
the pelicans diving for food. One winter when I was sitting in my car by a deserted beach one pelican decided to do a bit of showing off. He strutted back and forth in front of me then took off, dived into the sea and flew back with a fish - cross-wise in his beak. Why do that when you've a beak large enough to use as a shopping bag? I soon found out. He put the fish on the sand and proceeded to fillet it. Show off. I beat a quick retreat.

At one time I lived in a static caravan/mobile home in a small park. Every morning I took a smart walk around the park - with an escort. A falcon. When I left home in the morning he was on a nearby electrical cable. I turned right, he flew past me to perch further along. Then I turned left. Yup, he overtook me. All the way around the park. Even when I sunbathed in my back garden he would perch on the electrical cable.

I'm glad he wasn't a vulture. Or buzzard if you prefer the name. Ugly things but very graceful when flying. Did you know that when taking off from the ground they have to make a running start? The aeroplanes of the bird world? One day when driving along a country road I had to stop as a flock of vultures had found some road kill. Why stop? To wait for them get wound up for take-off!

Florida has a wide variety of birds of all types but two of my favourites are the mockingbird and the beautiful small, crested and musical red cardinal. (His mate is - would you believe - drab brown).

Yes, a mockingbird does copy every sound he hears - sirens, reversing vehicle beepers, telephones, car horns, babies crying. And, of course, it imitates the songs of other birds!

Never a dull moment in birdland.

Friday, 1 February 2019

Thank you, Fans!

Many thanks to everyone who bought (or read) my books over Christmas and throughout January. Now to check and see how many of you were kind enough to five me 4*/5* reviews!

Love you.