Friday, 23 August 2019

Lovely morning but....

Summer has arrived - hurray! And this morning my writer friend, Roberta Grieve, and I met for coffee. As we are both busy ladies with our writing we don't get together often enough so there is always lots to talk about.

Except.... this morning when we were sitting inside the cafe - with its doors open - and had difficulty hearing each other because of a very loud street singer (C&W) 'entertaining' shoppers. Bad enough having to put up with 'background music' inside shops without being force-fed it when trying to enjoy cup of coffee and chat. Time to find another coffee shop - away from the madding crowd!

Left me wondering how many customers, like us, the shops in London Road, Bognor Regis, lose due to the unwanted noise?

Wake up, Bognor, when people are shopping or wanting to chat they DON'T need intrusive noise. 

Thursday, 15 August 2019

'A Favourite Aunt' by Christina.

This is the opening to my book 'A Favourite Aunt' based on events that happened to many women in the 1960s. This was before the Marital Laws changed in the early 1970s thus making it easier for women - they could get restraining orders on their abusive husbands! Prior to that they either 'put up' with the abuse or did what I did - left! Unfortunately the law was still on the side of the husbands. 

'I can't thank you enough for your help, Christina,' the distinguished white-haired gentleman sitting across from her raised his glass to the grey-eyed woman whose dark hair showed auburn lights.
The woman smiled fondly at him. 'No problem, Robert. With the support you and Mary
have given me over the years, it's the least I could do.'
'But your comments and corrections have made the book so much better.' Actor Robert Denby had now completed his autobiography to the publisher's satisfaction and had brought Christina to his favourite restaurant tucked away in the City of London. Away from autograph hunters. 'The time you spent on the manuscript must have cut into your work time.'
'Don't worry about it. It does me good to get away from my own writing. That is why I also write travel articles.'
'Ah yes. As when I take a break from Shakespeare and do something a little more lighthearted.'
They continued with their meal, then Robert, his brown eyes twinkling, surprised his companion. 'Christina, why don't you write your autobiography?'
'What?' She grinned, her eyes open wide in surprise. 'I'm not famous. No one would buy it, even if I managed to get it published.'
'Okay, so you're no Agatha Christie, but your travel books do sell well.'
'Not phenomenally. Why do you think I also went out to work until I almost reached retirement age? I needed a steady income to pay the bills.'
'Mmm. It's a pity you never bought your own place.'
'You know why I couldn't. I'm a woman. Back in the 1960s women couldn't get a mortgage.' She grinned ruefully, 'Not that that would have helped many of us. Our wages only just covered the rent on a bed-sit with hot and cold running water and a gas ring.'
'Which is why you should write your autobiography. To let people know how hard life was for single women of our generation and in your circumstances especially. I often wonder how many of you survived to make a success of your lives?'
Also available in paperback and

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