Monday, 13 April 2020

Passing lonely hours with Crosswords

During this lock-down crisis I am sure more and more people are taking to crossword puzzles.

If you haven’t tried them, please do. The easy ones really are very easy. And with practise you can quickly improve and find yourself wanting to try slightly trickier ones. When you are a beginner nobody minds if you ‘cheat’ by looking at the answers. After all, if you don’t know the answer how will you learn without looking it up? You never know, you might become so good at them you end up being able to win competitions!

Over the years I’ve progressed from small ‘quick’ crosswords up to cryptics. Not always successfully – it depends whether I can get onto the same wavelength as the setter.

Another problem I have is knowing or having knowledge of several other languages. I’ve lost count how many times I have puzzled over an answer which fits the number of letters but isn’t the right answer. Yup, try fitting an English word across a Spanish word. Don’t work.

Happy crosswording!