Tuesday, 6 March 2018

University Debts

It never ceases to amaze me when I hear of the humungous debts of University education and the students/graduates taking a 'Gap' year.

Excuse me? Instead of trolling off travelling the world, how about earning money to pay off your debts?

Yes, I admit that I am of the generation which believes in 'if you can't afford it, go without', but I cannot help but feel that beginning one's adult life deep in debt isn't a good start.

Especially when I frequently meet people who have 'qualifications' (and debts) but cannot get a job. And when I meet graduates who are now working as wait staff or in a shop. Spending these years at university would probably have been better spent starting on the bottom rung of a ladder and working up to a more profitable job. Speaking of which, I have heard from prospective employers that some graduates don't seem to realise that, despite their qualifications, they still have to begin work near the bottom rung!

Apprenticeships are a good way to learn a trade.

I think these days too much emphasis is put on higher education. After all, you can only have a limited number of chiefs and you need a huge number of worker bees.

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