Sunday, 24 June 2018

'Excitement Builds for Bognor Regis park plan'

Just quoting this week's headline to a two-page advertisement in the Bognor Regis Observer.

Most of the residents in this area are tenants rather than homeowners, but we still pay Council Tax and haven't been consulted. Arun Council at its very best. Barge ahead with their grand scheme with no thought for others. 

1. The preliminary drawings appear to have forgotten Fitzleet House (the tower block where I live!). Is the Council going to re-house the tenants? Or compensate them for having to move?

2. Noise and dirt pollution. Whilst the work is being carried out is the Council going to provide residents with ear defenders? Not everyone goes out to work - there are retired and disabled people living in the area. The alternative would be for the Council to have triple (at least) glazing fitted to the existing properties. We would also like compensation for the fact that we would have to keep out windows closed to keep out the dirt. (Hope the Council members are going to clean up after the workmen. Ha-Ha-Ha.)

3. As a tenant overlooking the car park I would love to see gardens there instead. That would cut down the noise and carcinogenic fumes. But where is the Council planning to have cars parked? Along either side of the new park - closer to the residences. Obviously they aren't concerned about people's health. That is what the NHS is for, isn't it?

4. So far as the entertainments area is concerned, where is it exactly planned for? Even if it is in Waterloo Square (near the pier), the sound of head-banging music can be heard a long way off. And not all of us enjoy the same kind of music. Triple glazing?

5. Hopefully the Council with have all this work carried out whilst the birds are NOT nesting. Otherwise it will have a huge impact on the local bird population - to say nothing of other wild life. 

Lastly, I object strongly to Council Tax being used to fund advertising. 

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