Wednesday, 31 July 2019

War Records - Family info

My Dad was in the RAF during World War 2, but he rarely spoke about his experiences. I did learn from Mum that he was supposed to be trained as a pilot. As he didn't want to do that he overstayed a 24hr pass. Ended up in the camp 'prison' but didn't care. He was the only one there and was very happy to have his sketch pad and pencils with him. At night the two guards went off duty and left him with the keys - in case of an air raid. Very trusting.

His next non-experience was driving a lorry which he crashed. (He was a lousy driver!)

So, not knowing exactly what he did during the war I did some internet research. He was with 110 Repair and Salvage Unit. I do know he was stationed in a couple of places in the UK, one being Blackpool. Can't remember the other camp and, of course, there may have been some other(s). In 1945 he was in Italy, somewhere near Venice - have some of his watercolours to prove it! As well as snaps that he took en route from wherever they landed (from a ship) to Venice.

If you are looking for information about about anyone who served during the war the web site is:

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