Saturday, 28 May 2011

Busy, busy, busy

As always, I am busy - both with writing articles for and trying to organise the manuscript of one of my books.  I have decided that as nobody wants to publish my books, I will have to e-publish them.  Unfortunately, I still haven't mastered the rules of Monopoly so you can imagine the problems I am having trying to understand the technical jargon from Smashwords!

Next week I am going to visit the Ironbridge Gorge - the birthplace of the Industrial Revolution. This is something I have been promising myself for many years that I would do.  Obviously I am hoping that it won't rain as I would like to get some nice photographs with which to illustrate the articles. 

Watch this space!  Better still, check me out on

The picture with this Blog is a lump of blue ice that I saw in Alaska
and is one of six pix that illustrate the article on TheTravelEditor.

Sunday, 15 May 2011

Trooping the Colour

John Ringling's House in Sarasota

Yes, the article is now on  Harald Joergens supplied me with the pix which include the colourful soldiers and HM The Queen.  Sticking to the royal theme, yesterday I put an article about Windsor Castle onto that site. 

Life has been somewhat confusing during the past couple of weeks with people supposedly coming to do jobs and not turning up (so what's new!) and other people coming to check something, then actually doing the job (hurrah).  Hopefully on Monday 16th an engineer will come and repair my washer/dryer.  The washer is okay but when you live in a flat/apartment you do need a dryer and mine has been out of action since March! 

Workwise, apart from the recent articles put onto traveleditor - including one about Sarasota - I am working on some more, such as a Western Caribbean cruise (when I kissed a dolphin) and Charleston, SC.

As they say..... watch this space and log onto:

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

A Beautiful Royal Wedding

Last Friday was a wonderful day - sitting watching William and Kate get married and toasting them with a glass of gin and tonic!  Every time I watch pageantry in this country I have to admit that nobody does it like the Brits.

Our next bit of pomp and circumstance will be Trooping the Colour on 11 June.  No seats left for that one either but still plenty of room to stand along the Mall.  Yes, there will be a Balcony Scene and an RAF Fly Past.

I've been quite busy recently - spent a few days in Norwich which is a busy and historical city.  I am working on some articles about the trip which will appear on  At the moment my writing for them seems to sticking to the Regal.  I have an article about the Royal Carriages which are on view to the public at the Royal Mews and am hoping to put on an article about Trooping the Colour within the next day or two.  My problem with that article is that I don't have any photos and am waiting for someone to supply them!

If you want to go directly to my page on thetraveleditor: